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AspriseOCR wrapper dll/c# para ams

Publicado: 03 Sep 2012 11:11
por Pabloko
Buenas, el colega pavel lleva dandome la brasa con el tema del OCR un tiempo, sigo trabajando en las librerias de tesseract ocr que me parece el mejor sistema de ocr, pero de mientras publico esta prueba que hice con la libreria asprise ocr

son unas cuanta dll y tal, a tomar por culo no me apetece describirlas, son 4 funciones miradlas con process hacker...

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Re: AspriseOCR wrapper dll/c# para ams

Publicado: 03 Sep 2012 11:19
por rafaxplayer
jajajaja ahi pabloko duro...

Bueno las funciones son estas:

Código: Seleccionar todo

index : 1	Name: OCR
 	Index: 3	Name: OCRBarCodes
 	Index: 4	Name: OCRpart
 	Index: 5	Name: OCRpartBarCodes

Re: AspriseOCR wrapper dll/c# para ams

Publicado: 03 Sep 2012 14:02
por Pabloko
       [DllImport("AspriseOCR.dll", EntryPoint = "OCR")]
public static extern IntPtr OCR(string file, int type);

[DllImport("AspriseOCR.dll", EntryPoint = "OCRpart")]
static extern IntPtr OCRpart(string file, int type, int startX, int startY, int width, int height);

[DllImport("AspriseOCR.dll", EntryPoint = "OCRBarCodes")]
static extern IntPtr OCRBarCodes(string file, int type);

[DllImport("AspriseOCR.dll", EntryPoint = "OCRpartBarCodes")]
static extern IntPtr OCRpartBarCodes(string file, int type, int startX, int startY, int width, int height);

donde <int type> siempre puede ser -1 para autodetectar el formato de imagen, el resto del api es intuitivo

Re: AspriseOCR wrapper dll/c# para ams

Publicado: 03 Sep 2012 15:26
por rafaxplayer
hala pavel ya lo tienes pesao  :) :) :) :) :)

Re: AspriseOCR wrapper dll/c# para ams

Publicado: 03 Sep 2012 15:39
por pavel
really good work bro thanks a a LOT

Re: AspriseOCR wrapper dll/c# para ams

Publicado: 03 Sep 2012 19:15
por mecivic
Thank you

Re: AspriseOCR wrapper dll/c# para ams

Publicado: 04 Sep 2012 11:06
por pavel
That is that i was wanted from a long time .!!!!!!! Thanks pabloko bro.

Thank you veryyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy

I love you a lot !!!!!!

May allah live long you !

Re: AspriseOCR wrapper dll/c# para ams

Publicado: 04 Sep 2012 11:16
por pavel
Is here any option to select my own font to fast and 100 % accurate recognition ?

Re: AspriseOCR wrapper dll/c# para ams

Publicado: 04 Sep 2012 16:43
por Pabloko
pavel escribió:Is here any option to select my own font
No, there arent a way to use a font to text recognition almost with this library
to fast and 100 % accurate recognition ?
Thats just impossible, ocr'ing isnt a fast work because you need to process graphics and run a lot of tasks, you will never get a 100% accurancy with any OCR software, you should think that you need to take a look at documents to corrects faults.

No chance to use bangalesh with these libraries.

If you relly want to use ocr in that language you should use tesseract ocr, bangala language is only avalible in version 2.

Bangala ocr project use that tesseractv2lib, its written in c++/clr so it isnt a way to port that code to a plugin. You should think any way to use it like editing bangalaocr to read command line arguments, and dump the results out to a text file. You could use file.run with wait_for_return flag to use the app in your project.

Only little changes you might do in the clr code...

Re: AspriseOCR wrapper dll/c# para ams

Publicado: 04 Sep 2012 19:47
por pavel
THANK you very much for again a nice reply bro. i am really sorry for wasting your valuable time pabloko bro. PLS don't mind for that.

hm i think you are right bro. its not possible.

but is there any way to training my ocr system?

i got a new one - xp idea ocr
on it i read there features and i see they give us a option to art my charter on training for recognition. THAT charter will be save as an image.
if you got free time pls can you check that SDK bro ? there also have full source of delphi5 and c and etc.

thanks in advanced.
sorry for my english

Re: AspriseOCR wrapper dll/c# para ams

Publicado: 04 Sep 2012 19:51
por pavel
about 100% accurate i was wrong. I see most popular english ocr softwares can not do it also. LIKE abby ocr,simple ocr,new ocr etc.

but your sample can recognize 24 and 36 size font very fast well and 100% accurate!

thats a lot for me

Publicado: 28 Sep 2013 07:52

Publicado: 29 Sep 2013 07:42
has someone this examle also please ?

Publicado: 04 Oct 2013 11:47
Is there anyone who has this example somewehere ?

Publicado: 04 Oct 2013 12:24
por rafaxplayer
Pabloko tienes algo de esto o chapamos?

Publicado: 04 Oct 2013 14:30
por Pabloko
pudiera ser esto?


el codigo fuente

[DllImport("AspriseOCR.dll", EntryPoint = "OCR")]
public static extern IntPtr OCR(string file, int type);

[DllImport("AspriseOCR.dll", EntryPoint = "OCRpart")]
static extern IntPtr OCRpart(string file, int type, int startX, int startY, int width, int height);

[DllImport("AspriseOCR.dll", EntryPoint = "OCRBarCodes")]
static extern IntPtr OCRBarCodes(string file, int type);

[DllImport("AspriseOCR.dll", EntryPoint = "OCRpartBarCodes")]
static extern IntPtr OCRpartBarCodes(string file, int type, int startX, int startY, int width, int height);

[DllExport("OCR", CallingConvention = System.Runtime.InteropServices.CallingConvention.StdCall)]
static string oocr(string file)
MessageBox.Show(Marshal.PtrToStringAnsi(OCR(file, -1)));
return Marshal.PtrToStringAnsi(OCR(file, -1));


[DllExport("OCRocr", CallingConvention = System.Runtime.InteropServices.CallingConvention.StdCall)]
static string oocr2(string file)
return Marshal.PtrToStringAnsi(OCR(file, -1));

[DllExport("OCR", CallingConvention = System.Runtime.InteropServices.CallingConvention.StdCall)]
static string oocr(string file, int type)
return Marshal.PtrToStringAnsi(OCR(file, type));

[DllExport("OCRpart", CallingConvention = System.Runtime.InteropServices.CallingConvention.StdCall)]
static string oocrpart(string file, int type, int startX, int startY, int width, int height)
return Marshal.PtrToStringAnsi(OCRpart(file, type, startX, startY, width, height));

[DllExport("OCRBarCodes", CallingConvention = System.Runtime.InteropServices.CallingConvention.StdCall)]
static string oocrbarcodes(string file, int type)
return Marshal.PtrToStringAnsi(OCRBarCodes(file, type));

[DllExport("OCRpartBarCodes", CallingConvention = System.Runtime.InteropServices.CallingConvention.StdCall)]
static string oocrpartbarcodes(string file, int type, int startX, int startY, int width, int height)
return Marshal.PtrToStringAnsi(OCRpartBarCodes(file, type, startX, startY, width, height));

Publicado: 04 Oct 2013 14:41
Thanks alot big boss :num1:

Did you use it with AMS ?

Publicado: 04 Oct 2013 15:20
por patch
So let me get this right OCR takes a image and looks at it and converts the text in to a text file ?

Publicado: 04 Oct 2013 15:23
yes exactly but i dont know how to use it with ams

Publicado: 09 Oct 2013 09:30
is there any posibility that someone can make a small example with that ?

thanks in advanced