sos .... help... : ( about richtext

Como indica el nombre del foro en el moveremos todos los temas de dudas que se resuelvan con exito .
Este foro no tendra permisos de escritura.
hello all ;
i need u help...
thanks you :yes:

1 > this is my design :

this is code of button :
and when press F5 ( run ) and click button ... but i see my richtext is empty


:sorry: i don't know .... why ? ...

i want it settext to richtext and it has format is color=red ; size=40 ; font= tahoma;

thanks u :yes:


and this code
result = Input.GetText("Input1");
RichText.SetText("RichText1", result, false);
Enjoy :)
thankyou :yes: , abood1987 ...
but it's very small.. and color = black....
how to my richtext =

size=40 color = red font=tahoma

:sorry: thank you very much
result = Input.GetText("Input1");

text = [[{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang1033{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fcharset0 Tahoma;}}
{\colortbl ;\red255\green0\blue0;}

RichText.SetText("RichText1", text, true);
oh my god , 
i love u...
thank u very very much....
thanks , Ceone ,,,,,, :yes:
thanks , abood1986 :yes:

cám ơn tất cả các bạn