
Buenas amigos hoy purulando por el foro de IR he visto que an actualizado el ejemplo de SplashImage 1.2 (SplashImage.dll) asi pues os lo traigo, es un ejemplo simple y muy practico espero que os sea de gran utilidad.
SplashImage.dll - is a free addition to AutoPlay Media Studio which allows to display a splash dialog containing an image.

SplashImage (number WndHandle, string ImageFile, number TimeSplash, number TimeSLide, number WaitForReturn, number AllowClickToSkip)
Display a splash dialog containing an image.
(number) The numeric window handle for the application window.
(string) The path to the image file. If you wish to display images as slides (animation), it is necessary to specify the image files list (a comma ',' delimited string) and set amount of time to display the of one frame of animations (in milliseconds) in TimeSlide parameter.
(number) The amount of time to display the dialog (in seconds).
(number) The amount of time to display the of one frame of animations (in milliseconds). For animation of images, TimeSlide parameter must be more zero and ImageFile parameter must contain the image files list.

(number) Whether the application will wait until the close the splash screen before continuing (1 - Wait, 0 - Don't wait).
(number) Whether the user can close the splash screen by clicking on it (1 - Allow the user to click on the dialog to close it, 0 - Prevent the user from closing the dialog).
(number) The numeric window handle for the splash dialog.

Example 1
-- The path to the DLL file
sDLL = "Autoplay\\Docs\\SplashImage.dll";
-- The numeric window handle for the application window
hWnd = Application.GetWndHandle();
-- The path to the image file
sImage = "Autoplay\\Images\\Img1.png";
-- The amount of time to display the dialog (in seconds)
nTimeSplash = 3;
-- The amount of time to display the of one frame of animations (in milliseconds)
nTimeSlide = 0;
-- Whether the application will wait until the close the splash screen before continuing
-- 1 - Wait, 0 - Don't wait
bWaitForReturn = 1;
-- Whether the user can close the splash screen by clicking on it
-- 1 - Allow the user to click on the dialog to close it, 0 - Prevent the user from closing the dialog
bAllowClickToSkip = 1;

-- Displays a splash dialog containing an image
hDlg = DLL.CallFunction(sDLL, "SplashImage", hWnd..",\""..sImage.."\","..nTimeSplash..","..nTimeSlide..","..bWaitForReturn..","..bAllowClickToSkip, DLL_RETURN_TYPE_LONG, DLL_CALL_STDCALL);
Display a splash dialog containing an image of 3 seconds.
Example 2
-- The path to the DLL file
sDLL = "Autoplay\\Docs\\SplashImage.dll";
-- The numeric window handle for the application window
hWnd = Application.GetWndHandle();
-- The image files list for animation (a comma ',' delimited string)
sImage = "Autoplay\\Images\\Img1.png, Autoplay\\Images\\Img2.png";
-- The amount of time to display the dialog (in seconds)
nTimeSplash = 3;
-- The amount of time to display the of one frame of animations (in milliseconds)
nTimeSlide = 200;
-- Whether the application will wait until the close the splash screen before continuing
-- 1 - Wait, 0 - Don't wait
bWaitForReturn = 1;
-- Whether the user can close the splash screen by clicking on it
-- 1 - Allow the user to click on the dialog to close it, 0 - Prevent the user from closing the dialog
bAllowClickToSkip = 1;

-- Displays a splash dialog containing an image
hDlg = DLL.CallFunction(sDLL, "SplashImage", hWnd..",\""..sImage.."\","..nTimeSplash..","..nTimeSlide..","..bWaitForReturn..","..bAllowClickToSkip, DLL_RETURN_TYPE_LONG, DLL_CALL_STDCALL);

Display a splash dialog with animation of 3 seconds.

SplashImageClose ()
Closes a splash dialog containing an image.

Example 1
-- The path to the DLL file
sDLL = "Autoplay\\Docs\\SplashImage.dll";
-- The numeric window handle for the application window
hWnd = Application.GetWndHandle();
-- The path to the image file
sImage = "Autoplay\\Images\\Img1.png";
-- The amount of time to display the dialog (in seconds)
nTimeSplash = 10;
-- The amount of time to display the of one frame of animations (in milliseconds)
nTimeSlide = 0;
-- Whether the application will wait until the close the splash screen before continuing
-- 1 - Wait, 0 - Don't wait
bWaitForReturn = 0;
-- Whether the user can close the splash screen by clicking on it
-- 1 - Allow the user to click on the dialog to close it, 0 - Prevent the user from closing the dialog
bAllowClickToSkip = 0;

-- Displays a splash dialog containing an image
hDlg = DLL.CallFunction(sDLL, "SplashImage", hWnd..",\""..sImage.."\","..nTimeSplash..","..nTimeSlide..","..bWaitForReturn..","..bAllowClickToSkip, DLL_RETURN_TYPE_LONG, DLL_CALL_STDCALL);

-- Here your code

-- Closes a splash dialog containing an image
hDlg = DLL.CallFunction(sDLL, "SplashImageClose", "", DLL_RETURN_TYPE_LONG, DLL_CALL_STDCALL);

Display a splash dialog containing an image of 10 seconds. Thesplash dialog will be closed after performance of your code or after 10 seconds.

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