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Embed Notepad Project or Others

Publicado: 25 May 2015 15:57
por abood1987
Welcome :friends:

You can Embed Notepad Project or Others by WinApi Action Plugin as this Example :

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this is .apz :

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:friends: :friends: :friends:

Re: Embed Notepad Project or Others

Publicado: 25 May 2015 16:10
por Arlex
hola gracias por responder el mensage pero aunque es muy util lo que quiero es que se abra de esta forma no solo con el notepad SINO CON .EXE



Re: Embed Notepad Project or Others

Publicado: 25 May 2015 17:03
por Arlex
aqui pabloko publico uno solucionado gracias

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Re: Embed Notepad Project or Others

Publicado: 25 May 2015 22:04
por abood1987
used :
WinApi.SetWindowLong(h, GWL_STYLE, WS_CHILD.."|"..WS_VISIBLE, false);

and you can used in global function :

-- WINAPI Constants For The WinApi Action Plugin 
-- Instructions: Copy The Contents Of This File And Paste It Into Your Project's "Global Actions" Pane


WS_OVERLAPPED                           = "0x00000000";
WS_POPUP                                = "0x80000000";
WS_CHILD                                = "0x40000000";
WS_MINIMIZE                             = "0x20000000";
WS_VISIBLE                              = "0x10000000";
WS_DISABLED                             = "0x08000000";
WS_CLIPSIBLINGS                         = "0x04000000";
WS_CLIPCHILDREN                         = "0x02000000";
WS_MAXIMIZE                             = "0x01000000";
WS_CAPTION                              = "0x00C00000";
WS_BORDER                               = "0x00800000";
WS_DLGFRAME                             = "0x00400000";
WS_VSCROLL                              = "0x00200000";
WS_HSCROLL                              = "0x00100000";
WS_SYSMENU                              = "0x00080000";
WS_THICKFRAME                           = "0x00040000";
WS_GROUP                                = "0x00020000";
WS_TABSTOP                              = "0x00010000";
WS_MINIMIZEBOX                          = "0x00020000";
WS_MAXIMIZEBOX                          = "0x00010000";
WS_TILED                                = "0x00000000";
WS_ICONIC                               = "0x20000000";
WS_SIZEBOX                              = "0x00040000";
WS_TILEDWINDOW                          = WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW;
WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW                     = "0x00000000|0x00C00000|0x00080000|0x00040000|0x00020000|0x00010000";
WS_POPUPWINDOW                          = "0x80000000|0x00800000|0x00080000";
WS_CHILDWINDOW                          = "0x40000000";

WS_EX_DLGMODALFRAME                     = "0x00000001";
WS_EX_NOPARENTNOTIFY                    = "0x00000004";
WS_EX_TOPMOST                           = "0x00000008";
WS_EX_ACCEPTFILES                       = "0x00000010";
WS_EX_TRANSPARENT                       = "0x00000020";
WS_EX_MDICHILD                          = "0x00000040";
WS_EX_TOOLWINDOW                        = "0x00000080";
WS_EX_WINDOWEDGE                        = "0x00000100";
WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE                        = "0x00000200";
WS_EX_CONTEXTHELP                       = "0x00000400";
WS_EX_RIGHT                             = "0x00001000";
WS_EX_LEFT                              = "0x00000000";
WS_EX_RTLREADING                        = "0x00002000";
WS_EX_LTRREADING                        = "0x00000000";
WS_EX_LEFTSCROLLBAR                     = "0x00004000";
WS_EX_RIGHTSCROLLBAR                    = "0x00000000";
WS_EX_CONTROLPARENT                     = "0x00010000";
WS_EX_STATICEDGE                        = "0x00020000";
WS_EX_APPWINDOW                         = "0x00040000";
WS_EX_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW                  = "0x00000100|0x00000200";
WS_EX_PALETTEWINDOW                     = "0x00000100|0x00000080|0x00000008";
WS_EX_LAYERED                           = "0x00080000";
WS_EX_NOINHERITLAYOUT                   = "0x00100000"; -- Disable inheritence of mirroring by children
WS_EX_LAYOUTRTL                         = "0x00400000"; -- Right to left mirroring
WS_EX_COMPOSITED                        = "0x02000000";
WS_EX_NOACTIVATE                        = "0x08000000";

GWL_WNDPROC                             = "-4";
GWL_HINSTANCE                           = "-6";
GWL_HWNDPARENT                          = "-8";
GWL_STYLE                               = "-16";
GWL_EXSTYLE                             = "-20";
GWL_USERDATA                            = "-21";
GWL_ID                                  = "-12";

CWP_ALL                                 = "0x0000";
CWP_SKIPINVISIBLE                       = "0x0001";
CWP_SKIPDISABLED                        = "0x0002";
CWP_SKIPTRANSPARENT                     = "0x0004";

SW_HIDE                                 = 0;
SW_SHOWNORMAL                           = 1;
SW_NORMAL                               = 1;
SW_SHOWMINIMIZED                        = 2;
SW_SHOWMAXIMIZED                        = 3;
SW_MAXIMIZE                             = 3;
SW_SHOWNOACTIVATE                       = 4;
SW_SHOW                                 = 5;
SW_MINIMIZE                             = 6;
SW_SHOWMINNOACTIVE                      = 7;
SW_SHOWNA                               = 8;
SW_RESTORE                              = 9;
SW_SHOWDEFAULT                          = 10;

GW_HWNDFIRST                            = 0;
GW_HWNDLAST                             = 1;
GW_HWNDNEXT                             = 2;
GW_HWNDPREV                             = 3;
GW_OWNER                                = 4;
GW_CHILD                                = 5;

BS_PUSHBUTTON                           = "0x00000000";
BS_DEFPUSHBUTTON                        = "0x00000001";
BS_CHECKBOX                             = "0x00000002";
BS_AUTOCHECKBOX                         = "0x00000003";
BS_RADIOBUTTON                          = "0x00000004";
BS_3STATE                               = "0x00000005";
BS_AUTO3STATE                           = "0x00000006";
BS_GROUPBOX                             = "0x00000007";
BS_USERBUTTON                           = "0x00000008";
BS_AUTORADIOBUTTON                      = "0x00000009";
BS_PUSHBOX                              = "0x0000000A";
BS_OWNERDRAW                            = "0x0000000B";
BS_TYPEMASK                             = "0x0000000F";
BS_LEFTTEXT                             = "0x00000020";
BS_TEXT                                 = "0x00000000";
BS_ICON                                 = "0x00000040";
BS_BITMAP                               = "0x00000080";
BS_LEFT                                 = "0x00000100";
BS_RIGHT                                = "0x00000200";
BS_CENTER                               = "0x00000300";
BS_TOP                                  = "0x00000400";
BS_BOTTOM                               = "0x00000800";
BS_VCENTER                              = "0x00000C00";
BS_PUSHLIKE                             = "0x00001000";
BS_MULTILINE                            = "0x00002000";
BS_NOTIFY                               = "0x00004000";
BS_FLAT                                 = "0x00008000";
BS_RIGHTBUTTON                          = "0x00000020";

CBS_SIMPLE                              = "0x0001";
CBS_DROPDOWN                            = "0x0002";
CBS_DROPDOWNLIST                        = "0x0003";
CBS_OWNERDRAWFIXED                      = "0x0010";
CBS_OWNERDRAWVARIABLE                   = "0x0020";
CBS_AUTOHSCROLL                         = "0x0040";
CBS_OEMCONVERT                          = "0x0080";
CBS_SORT                                = "0x0100";
CBS_HASSTRINGS                          = "0x0200";
CBS_NOINTEGRALHEIGHT                    = "0x0400";
CBS_DISABLENOSCROLL                     = "0x0800";
CBS_UPPERCASE                           = "0x2000";
CBS_LOWERCASE                           = "0x4000";

ES_LEFT                                 = "0x0000";
ES_CENTER                               = "0x0001";
ES_RIGHT                                = "0x0002";
ES_MULTILINE                            = "0x0004";
ES_UPPERCASE                            = "0x0008";
ES_LOWERCASE                            = "0x0010";
ES_PASSWORD                             = "0x0020";
ES_AUTOVSCROLL                          = "0x0040";
ES_AUTOHSCROLL                          = "0x0080";
ES_NOHIDESEL                            = "0x0100";
ES_OEMCONVERT                           = "0x0400";
ES_READONLY                             = "0x0800";
ES_WANTRETURN                           = "0x1000";
ES_NUMBER                               = "0x2000";

LBS_NOTIFY                              = "0x0001";
LBS_SORT                                = "0x0002";
LBS_NOREDRAW                            = "0x0004";
LBS_MULTIPLESEL                         = "0x0008";
LBS_OWNERDRAWFIXED                      = "0x0010";
LBS_OWNERDRAWVARIABLE                   = "0x0020";
LBS_HASSTRINGS                          = "0x0040";
LBS_USETABSTOPS                         = "0x0080";
LBS_NOINTEGRALHEIGHT                    = "0x0100";
LBS_MULTICOLUMN                         = "0x0200";
LBS_WANTKEYBOARDINPUT                   = "0x0400";
LBS_EXTENDEDSEL                         = "0x0800";
LBS_DISABLENOSCROLL                     = "0x1000";
LBS_NODATA                              = "0x2000";
LBS_NOSEL                               = "0x4000";
LBS_COMBOBOX                            = "0x8000";
LBS_STANDARD                            = "0x0001|0x0002|0x00200000|0x00800000";

SS_LEFT                                 = "0x00000000";
SS_CENTER                               = "0x00000001";
SS_RIGHT                                = "0x00000002";
SS_ICON                                 = "0x00000003";
SS_BLACKRECT                            = "0x00000004";
SS_GRAYRECT                             = "0x00000005";
SS_WHITERECT                            = "0x00000006";
SS_BLACKFRAME                           = "0x00000007";
SS_GRAYFRAME                            = "0x00000008";
SS_WHITEFRAME                           = "0x00000009";
SS_USERITEM                             = "0x0000000A";
SS_SIMPLE                               = "0x0000000B";
SS_LEFTNOWORDWRAP                       = "0x0000000C";
SS_OWNERDRAW                            = "0x0000000D";
SS_BITMAP                               = "0x0000000E";
SS_ENHMETAFILE                          = "0x0000000F";
SS_ETCHEDHORZ                           = "0x00000010";
SS_ETCHEDVERT                           = "0x00000011";
SS_ETCHEDFRAME                          = "0x00000012";
SS_TYPEMASK                             = "0x0000001F";

DS_ABSALIGN                             = "0x01";
DS_SYSMODAL                             = "0x02";
DS_LOCALEDIT                            = "0x20";   -- Edit items get local storage. 
DS_SETFONT                              = "0x40";   -- User specified font for Dlg controls 
DS_MODALFRAME                           = "0x80";   -- Can be combined with WS_CAPTION  
DS_NOIDLEMSG                            = "0x100";  -- WM_ENTERIDLE message will not be sent 
DS_SETFOREGROUND                        = "0x200";  -- not in win3.1 
DS_3DLOOK                               = "0x0004";
DS_FIXEDSYS                             = "0x0008";
DS_NOFAILCREATE                         = "0x0010";
DS_CONTROL                              = "0x0400";
DS_CENTER                               = "0x0800";
DS_CENTERMOUSE                          = "0x1000";
DS_CONTEXTHELP                          = "0x2000";
DS_SHELLFONT                            = "0x40|0x0008";

AW_FADEIN                               = "0x00080000"; -- fade-in
AW_FADEOUT                              = "0x00090000"; -- fade-out
AW_SLIDEIN_LEFT                         = "0x00040001"; -- slide in from left
AW_SLIDEOUT_LEFT                        = "0x00050002"; -- slide out to left
AW_SLIDEIN_RIGHT                        = "0x00040002"; -- slide in from right
AW_SLIDEOUT_RIGHT                       = "0x00050001"; -- slide out to right
AW_SLIDEIN_TOP                          = "0x00040004"; -- slide-in from top
AW_SLIDEOUT_TOP                         = "0x00050008"; -- slide-out to top
AW_SLIDEIN_BOTTOM                       = "0x00040008"; -- slide-in from bottom
AW_SLIDEOUT_BOTTOM                      = "0x00050004"; -- slide-out to bottom
AW_SLIDEIN_TOPLEFT                      = "0x00040005"; -- diagonal slide-in from Top-left
AW_SLIDEOUT_TOPLEFT                     = "0x0005000a"; -- diagonal slide-out to Top-left
AW_SLIDEIN_TOPRIGHT                     = "0x00040006"; -- diagonal slide-in from Top-Right
AW_SLIDEOUT_TOPRIGHT                    = "0x00050009"; -- diagonal slide-out to Top-Right
AW_SLIDEIN_BOTTOMLEFT                   = "0x00040009"; -- diagonal slide-in from Bottom-left
AW_SLIDEOUT_BOTTOMLEFT                  = "0x00050006"; -- diagonal slide-out to Bottom-left
AW_SLIDEIN_BOTTOMRIGHT                  = "0x0004000a"; -- diagonal slide-in from Bottom-right
AW_SLIDEOUT_BOTTOMRIGHT                 = "0x00050005"; -- diagonal slide-out to Bottom-right
AW_EXPLODE                              = "0x00040010"; -- explode
AW_IMPLODE                              = "0x00050010"; -- implode

-- GDI Constants

PS_SOLID                                = "0";
PS_DASH                                 = "1";    
PS_DOT                                  = "2";      
PS_DASHDOT                              = "3";     
PS_DASHDOTDOT                           = "4";     
PS_NULL                                 = "5";
PS_INSIDEFRAME                          = "6";
PS_USERSTYLE                            = "7";
PS_ALTERNATE                            = "8";
PS_STYLE_MASK                           = "0x0000000F";
PS_ENDCAP_ROUND                         = "0x00000000";
PS_ENDCAP_SQUARE                        = "0x00000100";
PS_ENDCAP_FLAT                          = "0x00000200";
PS_ENDCAP_MASK                          = "0x00000F00";
PS_JOIN_ROUND                           = "0x00000000";
PS_JOIN_BEVEL                           = "0x00001000";
PS_JOIN_MITER                           = "0x00002000";
PS_JOIN_MASK                            = "0x0000F000";
PS_COSMETIC                             = "0x00000000";
PS_GEOMETRIC                            = "0x00010000";
PS_TYPE_MASK                            = "0x000F0000";

TRANSPARENT                             = 1;
OPAQUE	                                = 2;

NULLREGION                              = 1;
SIMPLEREGION                            = 2;
COMPLEXREGION                           = 3;

WHITE_BRUSH                             = 0;
LTGRAY_BRUSH                            = 1;
GRAY_BRUSH                              = 2;
DKGRAY_BRUSH                            = 3;
BLACK_BRUSH	                            = 4;
NULL_BRUSH                              = 5;
HOLLOW_BRUSH                            = 5;
WHITE_PEN                               = 6;
BLACK_PEN                               = 7;
NULL_PEN                                = 8;
OEM_FIXED_FONT                          = 10;
ANSI_FIXED_FONT                         = 11;
ANSI_VAR_FONT                           = 12;
SYSTEM_FONT                             = 13;
DEVICE_DEFAULT_FONT                     = 14;
DEFAULT_PALETTE                         = 15;
SYSTEM_FIXED_FONT                       = 16;
DEFAULT_GUI_FONT                        = 17;

ANSI_CHARSET                            = 0;
BALTIC_CHARSET                          = 186;
CHINESEBIG5_CHARSET                     = 136;
DEFAULT_CHARSET                         = 1;
EASTEUROPE_CHARSET                      = 238;
GB2312_CHARSET                          = 134;
GREEK_CHARSET                           = 161;
HANGUL_CHARSET                          = 129;
MAC_CHARSET                             = 77;
OEM_CHARSET                             = 255;
RUSSIAN_CHARSET                         = 204;
SHIFTJIS_CHARSET                        = 128;
SYMBOL_CHARSET                          = 2;
TURKISH_CHARSET                         = 162
VIETNAMESE_CHARSET                      = 163;
JOHAB_CHARSET                           = 130;
ARABIC_CHARSET                          = 178;
HEBREW_CHARSET                          = 177;
THAI_CHARSET                            = 222;

FW_DONTCARE                             = 0; 
FW_THIN                                 = 100; 
FW_EXTRALIGHT                           = 200; 
FW_ULTRALIGHT                           = 200; 
FW_LIGHT                                = 300; 
FW_NORMAL                               = 400; 
FW_REGULAR                              = 400; 
FW_MEDIUM                               = 500; 
FW_SEMIBOLD                             = 600; 
FW_DEMIBOLD                             = 600; 
FW_BOLD                                 = 700; 
FW_EXTRABOLD                            = 800; 
FW_ULTRABOLD                            = 800; 
FW_HEAVY                                = 900; 
FW_BLACK                                = 900; 

-- Locale Info Constants

LOCALE_SYSTEM_DEFAULT	                = "1";            -- Default system locale.
LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT	                = "2";            -- Default user locale.

LOCALE_ILANGUAGE                        = "0x00000001";   -- language id
LOCALE_SLANGUAGE                        = "0x00000002";   -- localized name of language
LOCALE_SENGLANGUAGE                     = "0x00001001";   -- English name of language
LOCALE_SABBREVLANGNAME                  = "0x00000003";   -- abbreviated language name
LOCALE_SNATIVELANGNAME                  = "0x00000004";   -- native name of language
LOCALE_ICOUNTRY                         = "0x00000005";   -- country code
LOCALE_SCOUNTRY                         = "0x00000006";   -- localized name of country
LOCALE_SENGCOUNTRY                      = "0x00001002";   -- English name of country
LOCALE_SABBREVCTRYNAME                  = "0x00000007";   -- abbreviated country name
LOCALE_SNATIVECTRYNAME                  = "0x00000008";   -- native name of country
LOCALE_IDEFAULTLANGUAGE                 = "0x00000009";   -- default language id
LOCALE_IDEFAULTCOUNTRY                  = "0x0000000A";   -- default country code
LOCALE_IDEFAULTCODEPAGE                 = "0x0000000B";   -- default oem code page
LOCALE_IDEFAULTANSICODEPAGE             = "0x00001004";   -- default ansi code page
LOCALE_IDEFAULTMACCODEPAGE              = "0x00001011";   -- default mac code page
LOCALE_SLIST                            = "0x0000000C";   -- list item separator
LOCALE_IMEASURE                         = "0x0000000D";   -- 0 = metric, 1 = US
LOCALE_SDECIMAL                         = "0x0000000E";   -- decimal separator
LOCALE_STHOUSAND                        = "0x0000000F";   -- thousand separator
LOCALE_SGROUPING                        = "0x00000010";   -- digit grouping
LOCALE_IDIGITS                          = "0x00000011";   -- number of fractional digits
LOCALE_ILZERO                           = "0x00000012";   -- leading zeros for decimal
LOCALE_INEGNUMBER                       = "0x00001010";   -- negative number mode
LOCALE_SNATIVEDIGITS                    = "0x00000013";   -- native ascii 0-9
LOCALE_SCURRENCY                        = "0x00000014";   -- local monetary symbol
LOCALE_SINTLSYMBOL                      = "0x00000015";   -- intl monetary symbol
LOCALE_SMONDECIMALSEP                   = "0x00000016";   -- monetary decimal separator
LOCALE_SMONTHOUSANDSEP                  = "0x00000017";   -- monetary thousand separator
LOCALE_SMONGROUPING                     = "0x00000018";   -- monetary grouping
LOCALE_ICURRDIGITS                      = "0x00000019";   -- # local monetary digits
LOCALE_IINTLCURRDIGITS                  = "0x0000001A";   -- # intl monetary digits
LOCALE_ICURRENCY                        = "0x0000001B";   -- positive currency mode
LOCALE_INEGCURR                         = "0x0000001C";   -- negative currency mode
LOCALE_SDATE                            = "0x0000001D";   -- date separator
LOCALE_STIME                            = "0x0000001E";   -- time separator
LOCALE_SSHORTDATE                       = "0x0000001F";   -- short date format string
LOCALE_SLONGDATE                        = "0x00000020";   -- long date format string
LOCALE_STIMEFORMAT                      = "0x00001003";   -- time format string
LOCALE_IDATE                            = "0x00000021";   -- short date format ordering
LOCALE_ILDATE                           = "0x00000022";   -- long date format ordering
LOCALE_ITIME                            = "0x00000023";   -- time format specifier
LOCALE_ITIMEMARKPOSN                    = "0x00001005";   -- time marker position
LOCALE_ICENTURY                         = "0x00000024";   -- century format specifier (short date)
LOCALE_ITLZERO                          = "0x00000025";   -- leading zeros in time field
LOCALE_IDAYLZERO                        = "0x00000026";   -- leading zeros in day field (short date)
LOCALE_IMONLZERO                        = "0x00000027";   -- leading zeros in month field (short date)
LOCALE_S1159                            = "0x00000028";   -- AM designator
LOCALE_S2359                            = "0x00000029";   -- PM designator
LOCALE_ICALENDARTYPE                    = "0x00001009";   -- type of calendar specifier
LOCALE_IOPTIONALCALENDAR                = "0x0000100B";   -- additional calendar types specifier
LOCALE_IFIRSTDAYOFWEEK                  = "0x0000100C";   -- first day of week specifier
LOCALE_IFIRSTWEEKOFYEAR                 = "0x0000100D";   -- first week of year specifier
LOCALE_SDAYNAME1                        = "0x0000002A";   -- long name for Monday
LOCALE_SDAYNAME2                        = "0x0000002B";   -- long name for Tuesday
LOCALE_SDAYNAME3                        = "0x0000002C";   -- long name for Wednesday
LOCALE_SDAYNAME4                        = "0x0000002D";   -- long name for Thursday
LOCALE_SDAYNAME5                        = "0x0000002E";   -- long name for Friday
LOCALE_SDAYNAME6                        = "0x0000002F";   -- long name for Saturday
LOCALE_SDAYNAME7                        = "0x00000030";   -- long name for Sunday
LOCALE_SABBREVDAYNAME1                  = "0x00000031";   -- abbreviated name for Monday
LOCALE_SABBREVDAYNAME2                  = "0x00000032";   -- abbreviated name for Tuesday
LOCALE_SABBREVDAYNAME3                  = "0x00000033";   -- abbreviated name for Wednesday
LOCALE_SABBREVDAYNAME4                  = "0x00000034";   -- abbreviated name for Thursday
LOCALE_SABBREVDAYNAME5                  = "0x00000035";   -- abbreviated name for Friday
LOCALE_SABBREVDAYNAME6                  = "0x00000036";   -- abbreviated name for Saturday
LOCALE_SABBREVDAYNAME7                  = "0x00000037";   -- abbreviated name for Sunday
LOCALE_SMONTHNAME1                      = "0x00000038";   -- long name for January
LOCALE_SMONTHNAME2                      = "0x00000039";   -- long name for February
LOCALE_SMONTHNAME3                      = "0x0000003A";   -- long name for March
LOCALE_SMONTHNAME4                      = "0x0000003B";   -- long name for April
LOCALE_SMONTHNAME5                      = "0x0000003C";   -- long name for May
LOCALE_SMONTHNAME6                      = "0x0000003D";   -- long name for June
LOCALE_SMONTHNAME7                      = "0x0000003E";   -- long name for July
LOCALE_SMONTHNAME8                      = "0x0000003F";   -- long name for August
LOCALE_SMONTHNAME9                      = "0x00000040";   -- long name for September
LOCALE_SMONTHNAME10                     = "0x00000041";   -- long name for October
LOCALE_SMONTHNAME11                     = "0x00000042";   -- long name for November
LOCALE_SMONTHNAME12                     = "0x00000043";   -- long name for December
LOCALE_SMONTHNAME13                     = "0x0000100E";   -- long name for 13th month (if exists)
LOCALE_SABBREVMONTHNAME1                = "0x00000044";   -- abbreviated name for January
LOCALE_SABBREVMONTHNAME2                = "0x00000045";   -- abbreviated name for February
LOCALE_SABBREVMONTHNAME3                = "0x00000046";   -- abbreviated name for March
LOCALE_SABBREVMONTHNAME4                = "0x00000047";   -- abbreviated name for April
LOCALE_SABBREVMONTHNAME5                = "0x00000048";   -- abbreviated name for May
LOCALE_SABBREVMONTHNAME6                = "0x00000049";   -- abbreviated name for June
LOCALE_SABBREVMONTHNAME7                = "0x0000004A";   -- abbreviated name for July
LOCALE_SABBREVMONTHNAME8                = "0x0000004B";   -- abbreviated name for August
LOCALE_SABBREVMONTHNAME9                = "0x0000004C";   -- abbreviated name for September
LOCALE_SABBREVMONTHNAME10               = "0x0000004D";   -- abbreviated name for October
LOCALE_SABBREVMONTHNAME11               = "0x0000004E";   -- abbreviated name for November
LOCALE_SABBREVMONTHNAME12               = "0x0000004F";   -- abbreviated name for December
LOCALE_SABBREVMONTHNAME13               = "0x0000100F";   -- abbreviated name for 13th month (if exists)
LOCALE_SPOSITIVESIGN                    = "0x00000050";   -- positive sign
LOCALE_SNEGATIVESIGN                    = "0x00000051";   -- negative sign
LOCALE_IPOSSIGNPOSN                     = "0x00000052";   -- positive sign position
LOCALE_INEGSIGNPOSN                     = "0x00000053";   -- negative sign position
LOCALE_IPOSSYMPRECEDES                  = "0x00000054";   -- mon sym precedes pos amt
LOCALE_IPOSSEPBYSPACE                   = "0x00000055";   -- mon sym sep by space from pos amt
LOCALE_INEGSYMPRECEDES                  = "0x00000056";   -- mon sym precedes neg amt
LOCALE_INEGSEPBYSPACE                   = "0x00000057";   -- mon sym sep by space from neg amt
LOCALE_FONTSIGNATURE                    = "0x00000058";   -- font signature
LOCALE_SISO639LANGNAME                  = "0x00000059";   -- ISO abbreviated language name
LOCALE_SISO3166CTRYNAME                 = "0x0000005A";   -- ISO abbreviated country name
LOCALE_IDEFAULTEBCDICCODEPAGE           = "0x00001012";   -- default ebcdic code page
LOCALE_IPAPERSIZE                       = "0x0000100A";   -- 1 = letter, 5 = legal, 8 = a3, 9 = a4
LOCALE_SENGCURRNAME                     = "0x00001007";   -- english name of currency
LOCALE_SNATIVECURRNAME                  = "0x00001008";   -- native name of currency
LOCALE_SYEARMONTH                       = "0x00001006";   -- year month format string
LOCALE_SSORTNAME                        = "0x00001013";   -- sort name
LOCALE_IDIGITSUBSTITUTION               = "0x00001014";   -- 0 = context, 1 = none, 2 = national

SND_SYNC                                = "0x0000";
SND_ASYNC                               = "0x0001";

Re: Embed Notepad Project or Others

Publicado: 25 May 2015 22:50
por carsonzillo
me likes thanks abood! :yeah:

Re: Embed Notepad Project or Others

Publicado: 26 May 2015 00:07
por NicolasG
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Re: Embed Notepad Project or Others

Publicado: 18 Jun 2015 03:06
por panfilotimoteo

Re: Embed Notepad Project or Others

Publicado: 10 Jul 2015 04:26
por Gocku

Re: Embed Notepad Project or Others

Publicado: 09 Nov 2015 18:20
por hddutilite
manda pra mim

Re: Embed Notepad Project or Others

Publicado: 13 Nov 2015 17:49
por omisterioo
excelente pero para juegos necesitas agregar y editar algunos códigos mas

Re: Embed Notepad Project or Others

Publicado: 26 Nov 2015 04:24
por dripro

Re: Embed Notepad Project or Others

Publicado: 26 Nov 2015 04:28
por dripro

Re: Embed Notepad Project or Others

Publicado: 09 Mar 2016 12:38
por hdd.utilities

Re: Embed Notepad Project or Others

Publicado: 05 May 2016 00:41
por Y2K38
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Re: Embed Notepad Project or Others

Publicado: 27 Jun 2016 18:40
por julian000

Re: Embed Notepad Project or Others

Publicado: 03 Nov 2016 22:11
por Guanj

Re: Embed Notepad Project or Others

Publicado: 05 Nov 2016 20:42
por andrea
:pc: :pc: :pc:

Re: Embed Notepad Project or Others

Publicado: 13 Ene 2017 16:52
por Hello World
thanks :heartbeat:

Re: Embed Notepad Project or Others

Publicado: 29 Ene 2017 20:23
por sistemci1988
thank you

Re: Embed Notepad Project or Others

Publicado: 19 Feb 2017 06:35
por maty_chuki
abood1987 escribió:Welcome :friends:

You can Embed Notepad Project or Others by WinApi Action Plugin as this Example :

Este mensaje esta oculto

this is .apz :

Este mensaje esta oculto

:friends: :friends: :friends:
Genial para aprenderrrr